18 research outputs found

    Application of Eco-Enzyme to Increase Plant Growth in Teak Agroforestry System in Sugihwaras Village, Magetan, East Java

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    The high population number of Indonesia has led to an increase in household organic waste. This organic waste has the potential to be processed into ecoenzymes that can enhance plant productivity. Currently, several farmers in Sugihwaras Village, Maospati District, Magetan Regency, East Java, face limitations in obtaining inorganic fertilizer (NPK) for their plants. This activity aimed to provide training in ecoenzyme production, analyze the change in farmers' knowledge about ecoenzyme production, and assess the effects of ecoenzyme application on the growth improvement of the teak (Tectona grandis) agroforestry system. This activity was carried out within the Subur Farmer Group in Sugihwaras Village, Magetan Regency, East Java, in 2022. The method used was a demonstration of ecoenzyme production, pre-test and post-test evaluations conducted on 20 members of the farmer group, as well as direct measurements of teak plant diameter growth and elephant grass plant height. The ecoenzyme production training in the teak agroforestry system enhanced the knowledge of the Subur Farmer Group, as shown by the average pre-test score of 45.1, while the average post-test score was 90.5. Based on the evaluation of the training activity, 74.3% of the farmer group members strongly agreed that the ecoenzyme production training was highly beneficial and aligned with their needs. Furthermore, according to the program evaluation, the ecoenzyme production training was deemed highly feasible for implementation with a score of 94%. The ecoenzyme production training provided to the Subur Farmer Group has been proven to enhance the partners' knowledge, increase the growth of teak plant diameter and elephant grass plant height, and holds the potential for enhancing the income of the community in Sugihwaras Village, Magetan Regency, East Java.Tingginya jumlah populasi penduduk Indonesia menyebabkan meningkatnya limbah/sampah organik rumah tangga. Limbah organik tersebut mempunyai potensi untuk diolah menjadi ekoenzim yang dapat meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman. Saat ini sejumlah petani di Desa Sugihwaras, Kecamatan Maospati, Kabupaten Magetan, Jawa Timur memiliki keterbatasan dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan pupuk anorganik (NPK) untuk tanaman mereka. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah memberikan pelatihan pembuatan ekoenzim, menganalisis perubahan pengetahuan mitra tentang pembuatan ekoenzim, serta menganalisis pengaruh aplikasi ekoenzim untuk peningkatan pertumbuhan tanaman pada sistem agroforestri jati (Tectona grandis). Kegiatan ini dilakukan pada Kelompok Tani Subur di Desa Sugihwaras, Kabupaten Magetan, Jawa Timur pada tahun 2022. Metode yang digunakan adalah demonstrasi pembuatan ekoenzim, pemberian pre-test dan post-test kepada 20 anggota kelompok tani, serta pengukuran secara langsung pertumbuhan diameter tanaman jati dan tinggi tanaman rumput gajah. Pelatihan pembuatan ekoenzim pada sistem agroforestri jati mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan Kelompok Tani Subur. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan oleh nilai rata-rata pre-test adalah 45,1 sedangkan nilai rata-rata post-test adalah 90,5. Berdasarkan evaluasi penilaian kegiatan pelatihan, sebanyak 74,3% anggota kelompok tani menyatakan sangat setuju bahwa pelatihan pembuatan ekoenzim sangat bermanfaat dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan kelompok tani. Berdasarkan evaluasi program, pelatihan pembuatan ekoenzim termasuk pada kategori sangat layak untuk diimplementasikan dengan nilai 94%. Pelatihan pembuatan ekoenzim kepada Kelompok Tani Subur terbukti mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan mitra, meningkatkan pertumbuhan diameter tanaman jati dan tinggi tanaman rumput gajah, serta berpotensi dalam peningkatan pendapatan masyarakat Desa Sugihwaras, Kabupaten Magetan, Jawa Timur

    The Technic and Cost of Jabon (Anthocephalus cadamba Miq.) Cultivation by The Farmer of Community Forest

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    Jabon (A. cadamba) has been cultivated in Bogor community forest since 2008. Research about technic and cost of jabon cultivation in the community forest is needed because difference by location and probably has impact to difference in output, such as in the wood volume. Identification technic and cost of jabon cultivation has been done toward 11farmers of Bogor community forest by purposive sampling. Assumption in this research are similarity in site and not occurring economy fluctuation. The result showed that, pattern cropping that generally applied is agroforestry. The components of jabon cultivation technic that more complete applied by the respondent A1, C2, C3, and B4 rather than others respondent in the every age class. More complete cultivation components in the practice allegedly produce higher volume. The highest cost of jabon cultivation expended by respondent B1, B2, C3, and B4 in the every age class. The total cost of jabon cultivation didn’t influences jabon volume.Keywords: cultivation cost, cultivation technic, jabon, the farmers of the society fores

    Diameter growth performance and estimated carbon stock of Shorea spp. at KHDTK Haurbentes, Bogor

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    Shorea leprosula Miq. and Shorea selanica (Lam.) Blume are fast growing plant and they can be used as a rehabilitation plant. Plant adaptability can be seen from the growth in diameter. Furthermore, rehabilitation plants have the potential to store carbon stocks which can support Indonesia's Forestry And Other Land Use (FOLU) Net Sink 2030 program. This study aims to analyze diameter growth and estimate carbon stocks stored in 8-year-old S. leprosula and S. selanica species in unproductive forest area KHDTK Haurbentes, Bogor. Furthermore, the data collection of diameter was conducted by census while carbon stock estimation used allometric equations. The diameter distribution of S. leprosula and S. selanica was normally distributed. The normal diameter distribution is defined as the highest number of frequencies around the mean value. The results of the normality test of S. leprosula and S. selanica have normal diameter distribution data which indicate that these species have good adaptability in unproductive forest areas. Moreover, the incremental growth of S. leprosula diameter is 1.38 cm while the diameter increment of S. selanica is 1.19 cm. The carbon stock of S. leprosula is 4.72 tons/ha while S. selanica is 8.32 tons/ha. S. leprosula and S. selanica have good adaptability. Thus, they can be used as plants to rehabilitate unproductive forests and store potential carbon stocks.Shorea leprosula Miq. dan Shorea selanica (Lam.) Blume merupakan tanaman cepat tumbuh dan dapat digunakan sebagai tanaman rehabilitasi. Adaptabilitas tanaman dapat dilihat dari pertumbuhan diameter. Tanaman rehabilitasi berpotensi menjadi penyimpan cadangan karbon yang dapat mendukung program Indonesia’s Forestry And Other Land Use (FOLU) Net Sink 2030. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pertumbuhan diameter serta menduga cadangan karbon yang tersimpan pada jenis S. leprosula dan S. selanica umur 8 tahun pada areal hutan tidak produktif KHDTK Haurbentes, Bogor. Pengumpulan data diameter dilakukan secara sensus dan pendugaan cadangan karbon menggunakan persamaan alometrik. Sebaran diameter pada jenis S. leprosula dan S. selanica tersebar normal. Sebaran diameter normal diartikan sebagai jumlah frekuensi terbanyak pada sekitar nilai tengah. Hasil uji normalitas S. leprosula dan S. selanica memiliki data sebaran diameter normal yang menandakan jenis ini memiliki daya adaptabilitas yang baik pada areal hutan tidak produktif. Pertumbuhan riap diameter S. leprosula sebesar 1,38 cm dan riap diameter S. selanica sebesar 1,19 cm. Cadangan karbon S. leprosula sebesar 4,72 ton/ha dan S. selanica sebesar 8,32 ton/ha. S. leprosula dan S. selanica memiliki daya adaptabilitas yang baik, sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai tanaman rehabilitasi hutan tidak produktif dan penyimpan cadangan karbon yang potensial

    Effect of Chitosan-PMAA-Nutrients Slow-release Fertilizer on Germination of Falcataria moluccana (Miq.) Barneby & J. W. Grimes

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    Slow-release fertilizer (SRF) with chitosan (CS) coating as a supply of plant nutrients is an alternative to the efficient use of conventional chemical fertilizers and reduces environmental pollution. However, its potential in woody plants is limited. This study aimed to analyze the effect of SRF on Falcataria moluccana germination and SRF phosphorus release rate. This study used SRF from polymerizing CS with methacrylic acid (MAA) to trap nutrients (CS-PMAA-nutrients SRF). The seeds of F. moluccana were germinated at six concentrations SRF: without fertilizer (F0), SRF CS dose 0.5% weight 0.03 g (F1), SRF CS 0.5% 0.01 g (F2), SRF CS 0.7% 0.03 g (F3), SRF CS 0.7% 0.01 g (F4), and conventional fertilizer (F5) for 21 days. SRF can increase the germination of F. moluccana. F4 increased normal sprout (10%) and germination power (16%) of F. moluccana. Furthermore, SRF with a concentration of 0.01 g produced a higher germination value than a concentration of 0.03 g. The release rate of SRF’s nutrients was slower (91.80% phosphorus) than conventional fertilizers. SRF application can reduce nutrients lost and increase the efficiency of nutrient absorption. Hence, it can improve F. moluccana growth

    The Physiological Response and Production of Soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) Tolerant Shading Based on Agroforestry of Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria (L.) Nielsen)

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    Soybeans demands in Indonesia is higher than soybeans supply. One of the effort to increase soybeans supply is by agroforestry of soybeans and sengon. The aims of this research were to analyze the physiological response and production of soybeans tolerant shading, as well as the influence of soybeans planting on the growth of sengon. Research was conducted by split plot design with 5 repetitions and 2 factors. The main factor was shading and second factor was varieties of soybeans. The results showed the chlorophyll a, b, carotene and total chlorophyll on N1 (with shading) treatment were higher than soybeans on N0 (without shading). The N, P, and K nutrients absorbtion on N0 treatment were higher than soybeans on N1 treatment. Pangrango variety on N0 treatment was better than the others varieties in both of shading treatment. The production of soybeans tolerant shading in sengon (4 year age) was very low than soybeans without shading. The differences of cropping pattern in sengon did not give significant effect on the growth of sengon diameter. Sengon horizontal roots in agroforestry were more than monoculture. The depth of the roots that <20 cm in agroforestry were more than monoculture. That were might be caused by the differences of nutrients element existence in each area

    Species composition and stand structure of Shorea stenoptera Burck in The Forest Area with Special Purposes (KHDTK) Haurbentes, Indonesia

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    The importance of preventing S. Stenoptera in restoring sustainable forest management to maintain the existence of forests in the future, the reduction due to deforestation causes a decrease in land conventions. Shorea stenoptera Burck is a forest species native to Borneo, Sumatra, Thailand, and Malaysia. IUCN declared this species in the category of Near Threatened. This study aims to analyze the species composition, stand structure, and natural regeneration of Shorea stenoptera Burck and identify the biophysics effect on the regeneration performance of  S. stenoptera in KHDTK Haurbentes. This research method uses vegetation analysis by constructing five observation areas. The results showed that S. stenoptera dominated at each growth stage. The stand structure shows an inverted J-curve. This indicates that the stands of S. stenoptera have turned into natural forest. The decrease in density followed the increase in diameter class, so S. stenoptera regeneration showed normal regeneration. Biophysical aspects such as slope and elevation affect the growth of S. Stenoptera by observing the characteristics of the analysis adjusted statistically

    Biodiversity, carbon stocks and community monitoring in traditional agroforestry practices:preliminary results from two investigated villages in Berau, East Kalimantan

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    AbstractTraditional agroforestry practices in Berau, East Kalimantan, are suitable land use types to conserve that potentially support the implementation of REDD+. The objectives of this research are to assess biodiversity and carbon stock in various traditional agroforestry practices, also to determine the accuracy of the ability levels of local community in biodiversity and carbon stock monitoring. This paper presents the implementation plan and preliminary data in Kampung Birang and Kampung Merabu, in Berau district. Professional forester-led methods of biodiversity and carbon stock assessment follow the recommended procedures, while training component are carried out using different method in order to test the accuracy of monitoring level. First round of data collection in both villages identified main fruit trees, locally known as langsat, in Kampung Birang, while different durian were found in Kampung Merabu. Field observation showed that the total time taken for completing the monitoring work has declined in line with the work cycle progress supported by willingness of community to participate in the monitoring program

    Agroforest diversity and ethnobotanical aspects in two villages of Berau, East Kalimantan, Indonesia

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    Hartoyo APP, Supriyanto, Siregar IZ, Theilade I, Prasetyo LB. 2018. Agroforest diversity and ethnobotanical aspects in two villages of Berau, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 19: 387-398. REDD+ aims to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, conservation, enhancement of forest carbon stocks, and sustainable forest management (SFM). An assessment of agroforest is important for REDD+ implementation in Indonesia. In this context, evaluation of the existing agroforests and their uses is an important issue. The objectives of this research were to characterize agroforest diversity with respect to habitat, regulation, production and information functions in Kampung Birang and Kampung Merabu, Berau, East Kalimantan. This research focused on two size classes of trees, namely medium trees (10?dbh?20 cm) and large trees (dbh>20 cm). Local community members were trained in plot establishment (60 plots, 50x50 m), tree diameter measurement, trees tagging, and herbarium collection. Local community members identified tree species by local names and listed the species uses. Results showed that agroforests as habitat obtained diversity indices (H’) of moderate category for Kampung Birang and high category for Kampung Merabu. Otherwise, Margalef’s index (Dmg) for the medium and large tree classes in Kampung Birang and Kampung Merabu were classified as high species richness category. This finding implies that enrichment planting using high economic value species is still necessary in Kampung Birang. Kampung Merabu was found to be more diverse than Kampung Birang, although soil quality in Kampung Birang was better than that in Kampung Merabu. Disturbances due to human activities that potentially impact agroforest stability were also pre-identified. The top ten tree species were classified based on importance value index (IVI) across both villages consisting of 80% shade intolerant and 20% semi-tolerant species. Agroforest showing production and information function as produces various edible fruits that are considered as key component for maintaining biodiversity sustainability and ecosystem functioning


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    Gayo coffee has many benefits in terms of the environment, economy, and socio-cultural aspects, especially for the Gayo tribe. Recently, Gayo coffee has been the main commodity for the plant cultivation of the Gayo tribe, including the Mude Nosar as local farmers. One of the ways to cultivate Gayo coffee is through an agroforestry system. However, limited reports on the tree species composition and its management in Gayo coffee-based agroforestry needs to be explored. This study aims i) to identify the tree species composition and structure, as well as 2) to analyze the management of Gayo coffee-based agroforestry system in Mude Nosar Village. The study method used plot establishment for vegetation analysis, and interviewed the Gayo coffee farmers. The results showed that the number of tree species at all growth stages was 26 species. The highest Important Value Index (IVI) at the understory and sapling level in order was rumput kerbau (Paspalum conjugatum) and Gayo coffee (Coffea arabica), while at the seedling, pole, and tree levels were dominated by lamtoro (Leucaena leucocephala). The local farmers often use lamtoro as a shade tree for Gayo coffee in agroforestry system. The species diversity index (H') showed low values at all growth levels, except for understory plants with moderate values. The horizontal structure of the tree stand showed an inverted J curve, meaning that the regeneration rate is normal. The vertical structure of the tree stand belongs to strata C and D. The local farmers have applied good Gayo coffee management practices through an agroforestry system including land and seed preparation, planting, maintenance, and harvesting techniques. Coffee seeds and seedlings are from natural regeneration. Plant maintenance techniques are carried out by weeding, pruning, organic fertilization, and controlling pests and diseases. The harvest coffee season is generally twice a year. The management of Gayo coffee using an agroforestry system impacts the ecological, economic, and social aspects.&nbsp

    Keanekaragaman Hayati Vegetasi pada Sistem Agroforest di Desa Sungai Sekonyer, Kabupaten Kotawaringin Barat, Kalimantan Tengah

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    Sungai Sekonyer village is a village that bordered by Tanjung Puting National Park (TNTP). Agroforest system is one of the land uses that considering ecology, socio-economy aspects in supporting buffer zone TNTP. The objectives of this research were to analyze the structure and composition of agroforest system, as well as to analyze biodiversity vegetation of the agroforestry system in Sungai Sekonyer Village, West Kotawaringin Regency, Central Kalimantan. This research used purposive sampling and vegetation analysis methods. The results showed that the dominant species at sapling level in agroforest system-1 was oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) with IVI 121.54%, while in agroforest system-2 there was no sapling. The dominant species at pole level both in agroforest systems 1 & 2 was rubber (H. brasiliensis) with IVI respectively 184.88% and 187.08%. The dominant species at tree level in agroforest system-1 was sengon (F. moluccana) with IVI=128.47%, while in agroforestry system-2 was jengkol (A. pauciflorum) with IVI=121.32%. The diversity indices (H’) and species richness indices (Dmg) for both agroforestry systems were categorized as low. Agroforest management, socio-economic aspect, ecological site, and market are the main factor for species selection that indirectly affecting biodiversity status in agroforest system. Enrichment planting using high economic value species that is suitable to the ecological site is necessary to increase community income as well as biodiversity status. Key words: agroforest, Sungai Sekonyer Village, vegetation biodiversit